Scottish Summer Shoes

This is the new Summer fashion this year in Scotland! Haha! Oh, and have you noticed the pink in this picture? :)

It's been raining all day in Edinburgh. It was quite impressive to see the giant puddle in Princes St Gardens when I was walking to work this morning. It looked like a wee loch! All this rain has been flooding the gardens... after all the work they put into them! Anyway..

So yes, a day of wetness, rain, puddles, stressed people, busy work... You get the picture. I just finished work, by the way, so this is why I'm posting this so late. I was helping with the door (being a doorwoman) for the restaurant this evening after I finished my shift. I'm feeling really tired now.

So pretty much I'll be going to bed after this because I'm working again tomorrow. I suppose I don't mind if it's raining when I'm working, it's more annoying when I'm off. I'm off next weekend so I hope this stupid rain stops by then!

I'm afraid I won't have time to catch up with all of you this evening, but I'll try my best tomorrow. Thanks very much for all your comments! I hope you're all having a great weekend! :)

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