Abducted by aliens?

This is a bit of a bizarre photo, but that's why I liked it. I had some more clear images but, for some reason, this one won today!

It was a bit of experimentation. Basically, I was standing next to a window and taking photos of its reflection as people walked past. It so happened that there was something white inside the building that appeared as a beam of light on the photos. I thought the effect was cool! :)

Anyway.. another lovely and sunny day. I've been so lucky this weekend, being off and having such nice weather! I had a much needed long lie in this morning and, after being lazy for a bit, I went to the gym. Back from the gym, I went for a walk to enjoy the sunshine. I hope this nice weather lasts for a few days! :)

I've got a few things to catch up with but, otherwise, having a relaxing evening.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! :)

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