
By LifeLines

For Mum x

Today we said goodbye to Mum.  A hard day but as these things go, it went smoothly and, I hope, it was a day Mum would have approved of.  We worked hard to try to get the words right. 

This is one of my favourite photos of Mum, taken five years ago on the birth of her grandson Oliver.  He, and Emily her grand-daughter, were shining lights in her life and she adored them.  I am so pleased they all had time together to create some special memories.

'That woman is a success
Who has lived well,
Laughed often and loved much;
Who has gained the respect of her fellow men and women
And the love of children;
Who has filled her niche and accomplished her task;
Who leaves the world a better place than she found it,
Who never lacked appreciation of the Earth's beauty
Or failed to express it;
Who looked for the best in others,
And gave the best she had.'


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