Paradigm Shift

If I possessed the ability to do what I wanted to do, I could make so much more sense out of this. The poppy, nor the bokeh, was my intention. In fact, this is the photo that I didn't expect to waste any time on, because I knew that it was a complete failure. Yet, it won me over, breaking the rules as it does, it still won me over. My focus just shifted....things changed for me.

The little blur, right in the center of the photo is a little white (very reflective in the bright sunlight) boat that floats in the waterfall at Annie's Cottage. Somehow, I would have loved to have focused on that little boat and made everything else a blur. If it's even possible to do that, I don't think I have the technology or the skill. Still, my focus shifted, and I grew to love this little bit of chaos with a variety of interesting, yet messy moments, it displays.

That's! We fix our eyes on what we want to make the center of our focus, but the beautiful things in the periphery of this photo remind me that the beautiful things in life that are on the outside of what I thought was my focus, are often the things that turn out to be the most lovely things of all! AND...sometimes it's OK if we can't bring the thing in the center into focus. Sometimes, we should just shift how we are thinking about the whole thing and quit worrying about the rules and just enjoy what is!

OK, well, that's not really what I was thinking about most of the day. What I thought about most of the day is how much the plants and trees in my yard at home and at the Cottage have grown. I am slowly watching things develop and mature, and as they do, my own perspective on life shifts and changes. Some day, our yard will be over grown and plants that were once lovely will need to be pulled out and something new put in their place.

We're in a constantly changing world, and we grow and mature, our focus shifts and changes, but always, always, always, there's beauty in it somewhere...even if the beauty isn't right in the center of where we're looking.

I'm glad.

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