
Some employers are thoughtful and place a poster, such as one I've read in our office, in view for its employees. Such signs, as many e-mail forwards with similar content, are for the seriously stressed out who can't remember how to relax any more and need a little help. They read like this:

EAP ~ Employee Assistance Program

- Stretch
-Take a Walk
-Play with your children
-Take a different route to work
etc. You get the idea.

To that, I would add 'Blip', if I didn't think it would be sorely misconstrued and become a topic of much graffiti on the poster.

On a nice stress reducing walk which includes taking a different route than you took yesterday, one might see 1. a guard dog 2. a bunch of lovely flowers or 3. some yard decorations. One might also breath fresh air, work some muscles, tell God how wonderful He is for creating such a beautiful day and snag a few photographs.

One might get home and be very excited to see that she has had over 100,000 views on blip too! Even though she missed the moment it rolled over. That's a lot of views...thank you so much for stopping by!

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