
This little girl has worked SO hard on her music this week. Then she had an incredibly fantastic lesson. I watched her teacher's mouth drop several times during her clarinet. She tried so hard and was really excited that as promised now she'd cracked the tonguing, she would be allowed to fly through learning the notes. She completed 3 stages of the book today, and learnt 4 new notes. She earned herself extra stickers for how hard she's worked. 

When we got home we had celebratory cake and hot chocolate. 

She told me that at school today "Gabby and I made up our own Sikh music. I didn't really know how their music is but we did our own kind. I used a keyboard that had a violin sound". She then told me a few facts about Sikhs. At their school, they do RS slightly differently - instead of doing small sections each year/different year groups on the curriculum faiths they do Christianity every year plus one focus religion for the whole school. Last year was Islam, this year Sikhism. 

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