
You have a morning hospital appointment that means you don't go into school first thing... So instead we went to the play area at the new shops near us which has finally opened & got our first babyccino in the new costa there!

Hospital appointment was fine. She weighs 19.03kg now and is 113 cm tall. He's going to keep an eye on her as she's been having a few wee tummy troubles and has dropped centiles but that is probably explained by just how active she is!

We walked back to the station and then cycled to school, getting her back in time for lunch with her friends.

After school she was an excited girly as I was helping with rainbows tonight. They're learning about polar bears this half term for their polar bear badge! We stopped at m&s on the way home where she found an Olaf cake that was 75% off so I relented to her having it. She got home and decided in fact she was too tired and should just go to bed!

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