Today I spent many hours looking for my part knitted hat which I know I saw a while ago. I know it is not with the lost car keys as I did not take it on holiday. During my search I came across many unfinished projects which I have now sorting into clear plastic bags so they cannot be ignored. Well, they can but I will feel more guilty about it. I also collected together all of my oddments of wool, enough to knit a blanket I would think. But that's another project.

When everything was put away tidily I decided to forget the hat search and consider it accidentally thrown out. I opened the door of the unit next to my chair to get out my crochet, and there behind some books, was my lost knitting. I looked in that unit last week. But obviously not properly.

The back door key has now been added to the ever growing lost list, last seen on Monday, but I am not the guilty party.

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