Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

85th Birthday

This evening was the birthday celebration for Faye. Her birthday was actually this past Sunday, but the party had no less splendor being held this evening, a few days later. The setting was in her oldest daughter's lovely backyard, which is actually the family home where all three siblings grew-up. The food was delicious . . . more cupcakes, cookies, and desserts than can be imagined.

We have known Faye's family for almost 37 years. Her oldest daughter, Cora, standing right next to her was one of Mr. Fun's college professors when he went back to college as a re-entry student when we'd been married 11 1/2 years. Her middle kid, Arty, named after his father, is one of the funniest people I've ever known. Years ago when our kids were little Arty gave us two white rabbits and guaranteed us they were both females. Within a few weeks we had more baby bunnies than we knew what to do with. Faye's youngest daughter is Fayanna, and back in the day when we used to oversee the junior high youth group at the church Fayanna was in that group. It was Fayanna's in-laws who had a Shih tzu dog they needed to give away when they moved to a mobile home park in Orange County 18 months ago and we went to their place to collect a pooch and came home with two Shih tzus (and our lives have never been the same).

Currently Faye attends the same church that we attend, so when we were given an invitation to her 85th birthday party, we were delighted. We knew it would be a family event and a wonderful occasion.

Faye has been a widow for 15 years. She and her husband immigrated to American in 1954 from Holland when Cora was just a preschooler. They lived through the days of WWII in Europe and have many stories to tell about that era.

For years Faye has led arts and crafts workshops for the elderly in retirement homes. I don't think she does that anymore. I also don't think she behaves like the average 85 year old. She is full of energy, encouragement, and enthusaism. She is lots of fun and is a "can do" person. It was fun to attend her birthday party and to watch many people honoring her.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. If there were a "Family" category in the Olympics, this family would have the gold!

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