
A trip down to Tyneside to visit the Gateshead office - I didn't think I had much to do, but all sorts of unexpected and unrelated tasks keep cropping up. It's all very strange, as Tweedy and I remarked to each other in an unrelated email exchange.

That hamstring has been re-twinge-ed, dammit - so chose to get the bus back and forth across the Tyne. Which meant me standing at the bus stop by the Sage, where I saw the new street art. Previously the bewigged one was accompanied by a bunch of crazy cartoon sea-life creatures - but now he has another muso beside him. When I saw it, there was a young guy also taking a photo of it. When I got the camera out he remarked "I know that one's David Bowie, but I dunno who the other one is". I said I didn't know, but maybe Mozart? "I'm not interested in that" he replied. I said I was sorry to have mentioned it, and moved away.

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