Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2016 Tuesday -- Pot Filler Installed

Today the construction crew worked on finishing a lot of odds and ends and one of those was installing the pot filler. It should have been installed several weeks ago, but the faucet that was first ordered did not fit the application and another one needed to be ordered.

I first saw a pot filler about 18 months ago when I went on the "Cambria Kitchen Tour" and enjoyed viewing five beautifully appointed kitchens, and one of those had a pot filler. That concept was brand new to me. Now as I get older, carrying heavy pots of water from the sink to the range will not be necessary.

Tomorrow the construction crew will spend a good portion of the day doing the clean-up.

We purchased this little old coast house in November of 2012 after a 90 day escrow. Since that November I have talked and talked about remodeling and upgrading and Mr. Fun has been more than resistant, at times he has been flat out obnoxious in his resistance, which of course means he was the opposite of "fun." He also never thought I'd find a house at the beach that we could afford. So this reveals who has the "can do" attitude in our relationship.

He now is amazed at how much nicer the house is. The kitchen has enough room that we can both move about in it. The master bathroom actually has a shower built for two; the original shower had room for one skinny person, but that person had to step out of the shower to turn around (I'm kidding -- sort of). The master bedroom now has room for a queen-size bed and the room even has a closet.

We're both very excited about the upgrades and the internal organs of the house have all been replaced: all new electrical, plumbing, gas, the foundation has been fixed, the main floor, which is above the guest room and garage has been reinforced, a new roof is on etc. -- we are very pleased.

From California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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