Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Group Hug!!!

And a lick from Dris you can see his tongue if you look closely. We had a wee wait while one of the other gatherers brought sheep round so I entertained myself trying to take a selfie of me and all the dogs. Cant say i was successful. I was using a timer and the camera on the back of my phone so i couldnt see if we were all in frame and the dogs werent the most cooperative and my facial expressions were hilarious. It did make me giggle though!

Pip was on great form with her working today really doing some nice steady working. Breagh was super as usual. Dris was a cheeky rascal but enjoyed finding pointing and flushing a pheasant at the start.

8c 15mph E was cooler and windier am and very wet here but where we were gathering 60miles away it was dryer.

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