Our Winterland

This is our favourite walkie, through the sheep's grazing grounds with old oak trees and hazels aplenty, everything made beautiful by the snow and the sunlight. I know I am just a speck, but mum says we need to blip it ASAP, because winter will be all gone in a couple of days. What? Why??! I wish it could stay. It is still at least two months until spring comes. And what will happen to our winter picnics? Maybe I could start a campaign. PAW - Poodles who Adore Winter?

Mum did household chores, including vacuum cleaning. I have, in the past, not had a great relationship with the vacuum cleaner. I still treat it as the noisy intruder it is, but only bark at it at the very end, when it's clear it's going back into its cupboard. Just to make it clear who is the boss...

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