
Mum thought it might be too cold to go for a picnic in -10 degrees, but the sun was shining so brightly and it was a glorious winter's day, so I said please please please and she finally gave in.

We went to the the bird lake, the one that had all the water drained from it to make it look like a moonscape last time we were there. Everything was now covered in snow and ice. Last time I was here I found half a cinnamon roll on the bottom of the lake, so I was eager to start looking. We had a nice sunny walkie, though cinnamon roll-free.

I know I say it nearly every day, but I LOVE snow and winter! The last few weeks are on my top three best weeks ever-list! Another great expedition today, and this time, we brought Food! We found a sunny south side of a rock, with a bench and everything, for our meal. In this picture, pasta bolognese is miraculously cooking itself in hot water, inside its bag, for seven minutes. I am sitting on my blanket, waiting... It was absolutely delicious, I got warm and happy and bouncy! Can we do this again, mum? Soon??

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