Who's been sleeping in my bed

Both tinkers awake at 5, daddy's alarm woke them. Thankfully the wrong trousers on the iPad kept them entertained for quite some time.

Cross words with Munchie re teeth brushing, total refusal to use toothpaste, any suggestions? We've tired stickers, new paste, new brush, grumping, cuddling.....

Children dropped off in relevant locations. Found the missing welly sock.

manic morning at work, pleased to escape at 12:30. Home
Auntie Helena and baby Harley came to play. So lovely to have this catch up time with them each week

Daddy home
Munchie took till 7:55 to fall asleep tonight, saying that Wom was after 7:15. Usually Munchie asleep by 6:40 and Wom asleep by 6:50. Not sure what happened

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