If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Brunswick Road

I had to pick up a friend so that we could go to a meeting together around 6:00pm.  Well I say I what I mean is Clickychick was chauffeuring us and then going on to talk business with "The Mate".

WE decided in the morning that it would m a change to do some light trail shots, something I don't think we have played with since we did the OU T189 course a number of years ago.  So we decided to set off a little early and take some shots in town.

Having positioned ourselves at a suitable junction we played about with shots for a while before deciding that a nice warming cup of coffee was what was required.  While in the cafe we bumped into a gentleman I used to work with.  Before we finished a good catch up session it was time to pick up B.

I liked this shot for some reason.

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