
By bananablip


Today I woke up feeling human, even if I did still have to clean my eyes and empty my nose (Sorry. Too much?!). After a glorious lie-in with a wonderful book and delicious coffee (thanks to shadowlight for both) I was ready for a tentative attempt at running. The pure joy continued when I discovered that the previously flooded paths are now open again and the sun was shining. It felt really good to be out although my legs and my lungs definitely felt a bit below par.

It was warm enough today to have all the windows open while we did some laundry and pottered around the house. What a difference a day makes. I feel as if the brief sun and open-window moments have given me the permission to get excited about Spring and start planning some adventures.

This afternoon we installed ourselves at our favourite coffee shop, Ginger and Co, to do some prep work and then meet Lucy and Roddy for coffee and scrabble, although Roddy was less than enthusiastic about scrabble and busied himself with the paper.

It's so nice to feel human again.

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