Party time!

P had a school friends birthday party today. It was at the ten pin bowling and she's been so excited all week. Mr J dropped us off in town and then disaster struck! I don't know why or how but both me and P managed slip/fall down the curb whilst crossing the road and both landed with a thud in the middle of the road! Luckily there was no traffic so I managed to get us back on the side safely. P was quite shaken and had a bump on the head, I hurt my knee, side and arm. Poor little P didn't want to go to the party after that and sat on my lap sobbing for quite some time. It was quite a shock for her to see me fall over I think and to be honest it was a shock for me too!

Once she had calmed down and the bowling had started she began to relax. She had fun with her best friend L who kept giving her lots of cuddles. A game of bowling and then pass the parcel and lunch. P had a good time, and in between nursing my sore bits I enjoyed it too.

We met Mr J and A in town afterwards then headed home. Both kiddies fell asleep on the way back so after transferring them to the cot and the sofa I went and had a nap too!

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