Alfie Bear

After taking P to school, me and A braved the cold and went for a play in the park. We had a great time pretending to be Fireman Sam and Elvis. We put out fires all over the place!

I had to collect P from school early today as she had an appointment at the hospital for a hearing test. We got there in good time and didn't have to wait too long. She did brilliant during the test. She sat very still when the doctor examined her and she followed his instructions very carefully, pressing the button every time she heard the beep. The verdict is, is that she has glue ear. She has some hearing loss on her left side but it's nothing to panic about. She will be under the care of ENT for the next 3 months whilst they monitor her. As the hearing loss is not having a significant effect on her speech or development it's unlikely she will need any invasive treatments which is good to know.

For being so good we all went to McDonald's for tea as a treat before whizzing to rainbows.

This evening A has decided that his favourite blue teddy is now called 'Alfie Bear'. I've no idea what prompted him or where he got the name, but I think it might just stick.

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