Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

Ugly Truth

Evening all,

well, today has been a day without number one daughter as she has been galavanting around in a swanky limo as part of her friend's birthday party.

So the current Mrs Richardson and myself decided to have a bit of a wander around Ingbirchworth reservoir and partake of some food and drink at a local hostelry.

We followed this plan, had an enjoyable ramble around, taking the usual stock photos of water, geese, water, ducks, water,swans etc etc. Had an adequate roast dinner and a well earned pint of guiness, then came home for a little afternoon siesta.

When i woke up i had a bit of a tingle on my nose, had a quick feel and look in the mirror..and blow me, i've grown another nose!

It would appear some kindly flying thing has had a nibble on my not insubstantial hooter. In fact, if you remember the glorious nasal trumpet of Karl Malden,Snozzles Durante,or even Dumbo, all three looked like they had been surgically transplanted onto my nose.

A good dose of TCP and a quick slug of something medicinal and its appears to be reverting to something resembling its usual misformed shape....the most worrying thing is when i ran off screaming to the current Mrs R, she looked at it, once, twice, then proclaimed..."You know, if anything, its improved you!!"

night all


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