Poor Sperm Whales!

Today we had intended having a lazy day around the house, other than collecting a printer from PC World to replace our dodgy old one that has given up the ghost once and for all. But Brian got a phone call from one of his bird-mates to say that some Minke whales had washed up on Skeggy beach, and did we want to go to see them with him. *I've been told that they are actually sperm whales and not minke whales - I'd just gone by what I'd heard people saying at the beach.

Three whales washed up, and I've no idea what caused the poor creatures to meet such a tragic end. From what people were saying, they were dead before they arrived on the beach. This photo is quite graphic, but I wanted to catch the savagery of the event.

I always wanted to see whales in real life - I would have preferred it to be from a whale-watching trip boat as they swam alongside the boat.

There were hundreds of people there - I can't think Skegness has ever had so many people on the beach in January! Local businesses would be glad of the boost during the off season no doubt.

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