Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

It's the little things..

that matter to me.

Today #2boy was working from 4 to 12pm.
I made him his 'breakfast' at about 3 and we sat and chatted at the table while he ate. As he got up to leave he asked me for a hug and gave me a long squeezy one telling me that he loved me.

In that moment there was no thought of him annoying me by being born 17 days late, redecorating my bedroom with felt tip pens, wagginig off school, smoking, getting tattoos and facial peircings, jacking in his university course after three weeks or wrecking my house by throwing a party while I was away overnight.

In that moment there was just love and I knew everything was alright.

Here is the sweet smelling jasmine in my garden.

Hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

Big hugs all round x

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