
Another new spot. Tom is going through a purple patch at the moment; it's all I can do to stop myself from driving around all weekend with him riding shotgun to spot Cigs.

As it was we'd just left Asda and were heading into town; the point of discussion being which Cigs to take on our way there (I was aiming for Dalmeny Street) when we'd barely got a minute into the journey when he hollered 'Cigs!'

One emergency stop later and - yeah! Not sure how many times I've passed this one and never noticed it; like hundreds? My excuse is its a tricky junction which demands attention....

Silver rpen on telephone box.

I think his recent run of form is down to performance related pay; an extra sweet per find. I can see the Daily Mail headline now.

*Cigs made my son obese"

Obviously if it was the Express it would be 'Diana made my son obese'

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