
I've been following Meursault for a long time now, thanks to their connection with my hometown. I've seen them play in pubs, cafes and small venues, but tonight they took a step up in the world by performing in front of a decent sized crowd at the Queens Hall, whilst promoting their latest album.

Much has been made of the fact that the band have gone for a fuller rockier sound and whilst it's not exactly Dylan going electric it took me a while to get into the noisier parts of the set. The best moments were still those where the sound was stripped back to reveal frontman Neil Pennycook's booming vocals. The band were definitely enjoying themselves and one of the many encores, and a set highlight, was a resounding version of Song For Martin Kippenberg.

The band have been tagged the Scottish Arcade Fire in the press, but I'd say they're more like a Scottish Bright Eyes.

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