We started our trip home in the morning, not really very early it was.
We jumped into the lightrail, and at the Central Station we jumped in the train to Amersfoort. There we had time to drink an espresso before we stood waiting for the IC to Berlin. Not that we are going that far, but our connection should be in Osnabrück. I say  '"should" because soon enough we learned that our train would have 5 min delay, then it was 10 min. then 30 min. From there we could read that we had to go to another platform and our train would have a delay of 15 min.
This changed in 60 min. and then it was an unknown delay. The train defect!
I am always quick in deciding to look for another option and we then jumped in a train to Enschede, near the border. From there we took the train to Münster and how delighted we were that in the end we had no delay at all on our destination. The train to Berlin we understood had been totally canceled!
We are tired, but very happy to have arrived safely and the house feels warm already now.
I'll catch up tomorrow, I'll have a good sleep, or I hope I'll have one.

My haiku:

It happened so sudden
Through the window of the train
A glimpse and then gone

And the proverb (in The Hague I use my book of quotations and here in Germany I have the dictionary of proverbs in my hands):

A wo/man of gladness, seldom falls into madness.

1659  Howell, Engl. Proverbs

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