
2years 261days

Every photo is precious. But some mean just a little bit more. There are photos that you want to be technically perfect, absolutely wonderful. And there are some that it doesnt matter. Because what it captures, regardless of how "well" it captures it, is something really special. This photo is exactly all those things. Technically imperfect, but utterly perfect in content and memories. And very precious in terms of something really important to my little girl.

This photo is from the first afternoon that Katie and her three best friends from nursery have been reunited together. And it made me heart melt to see how close they were despite the time apart and despite all thats happened. The girls were reunited because today was the farewell party for staff, children and parents of our old nursery.

We've worked our backsides off, a group of 6 of us, I have to admit to pull this off. And we are chuffed to bits with how it went. We arrived before midday to start final preparations. Immediately, the group of us there saw our children full of absolute delight to be together. All four of these friends were there the whole time and were just adorable. Eva arrived last and the three girls there already were fit to burst when she walked in. At 2pm, all the others started to arrive- only 3 members of staff were missing and 3 families. Katie was so excited that she was seeing different people and made me take her round, just she could stand in awe beside some of her carers and friends.

The children danced and chased balloons and had faces painted (not katie, who apparently said "I am NOT going to be a tiger, I dont want to be a pig" then ran away). They all had a lot to eat from the mountain of food before they played the Worlds Biggest Pass the Parcel. It was chaos. Fun but chaos. They then played Musical Bumps. Katie sucked at it cos she loves to dance too much and didnt want to stop!

We made a presentation to the staff, a cake, a gift, a bit of a speech from us and from them, a few tears, lots of hugs, and then a big group photo of the children and all the staff. Katie is stood with the manager in that, having a cuddle with her in several of the others, she adores her. The staff commented how lovely it was to see our four girls playing so happily together, and seeing the other friendship groups from nursery the same too.

The children then spent over an hour out in what was then glorious sunshine playing in the school playground having a wonderful time chasing round. When we were all packed up, a big group of us went to a lovely country pub nearby and all sat out in the beautiful gardens, taking the whole place over. Katie, Livvy, Eva and Brooke spent the entire time making mud pies and had a glorious time.

Katie, left to right there is Eva, you, Livvy and Brooke. You played with them every single day at old nursery, and talk about them all when you're apart. I hope you'll not need this reminder when you're big because I hope this wont change.

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