
By DawnAgain


Undeterred by the heavy rain and gusty wind we hit the common this afternoon after work and I think it did us all some good after not getting a walk yesterday. We didn't see many other dog walkers but there were a few hardy souls around as well as us.

I took Basil back to the vet afterwards because he's still having a terrible time with his eczema. We seem to get different advice depending on which vet we see. Today it was Hans again and he has put Basil on a 20-day course of antibiotics because it's become infected again. We're also going to keep on with daily steroids until I can cut them down, even to half a tablet a day, without the itching flaring-up again (as has happened at the last two attempts) and we're trying yet another food to see if that helps. He doesn't think the grain-free stuff we've been using, recommended by one of the other vets, is worth paying twice the price for and, I must say, it doesn't seem to have made any difference. It's very difficult to get on top of this without knowing what's triggering Basil's allergic reaction but the main objective is to make him as comfortable as possible.

Poor Basil (and poor me because his scratching and fur-pulling keeps me awake at night too!).

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