Orderly junk

My lovely uncle turned 90 today. The celebrations continued with any family present accompanying him on his usual 8km morning bike ride. What an inspiration. If I make it to 90 I hope I'm still riding my bike.

Meanwhile at work things were interesting with no internet to start the day. That's a bit tricky in my job. I ended up giving an impromptu presentation to my team on stuff I know a bit about. That's one the neat things about my job, things happen and before you know it something exciting is percolating.

I did the annual dentist and hygienist thing after work. I have fine teeth and if I continue to look after them well they should last as long as me. Longer than my joints I suspect.

On the not so good side of the ledger I have a wee hole in one tooth. It isn't a cavity, just a wee pit in the enamel. I'll be back in a couple of weeks to get it seen to.

On the street front, there is no news and no action. No mid week surprise then.

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