
No blip yesterday - I was goggle-eyed by the end of the day having spent most of it getting my new holy wells blog organised. In the end I not only 'called a friend' but went to see her! Finola was superb, patient and knowledgeable and fuelled with strong coffee and fresh soda bread we made great inroads.  The front page proved irksome (template, static but where the hell was it) but back home I then 'asked the expert' (himself) who came up with the goods. Still tons to learn and my poor little brain is spinning with widgets and categories but I have found the bits and pieces that keep it unpublished till you need it so thank you to those offering me advice. Not quite there yet but I'll keep you informed - I'm sure you can't wait!

And talking of thank yous - wow, what a great response to my arty farty surreal window. Very much appreciated.

I went into Bantry this afternoon to collect the curtains which are finally made, and now gracing the sitting room, and just about everything was going on - rainbows, hailstorms, sunshine, gales, dramatic light. I did a walking circuit that has been set up that takes your round the coastline and back into town - this is where you start. It was really blowing a hoolie but I persevered and actually there were several stout walkers ploughing into the wind. Might be worth biggifying. Those flashes of white are gulls and on the little island to the left you can just see the huge circular construction of a Napoleonic battery - I wouldn't want you to miss that! As I was driving home I leapt out of the car to blip a rainstorm over the Beara and out popped the tail of a fat rainbow - see extra.

Even more excitement on my way home for as I was driving on the northside I saw someone walking and recognised who it was for Himself had bumped into him a couple of days before and told me about him.  Again I leapt out of the car and rushed up to him - are you the person walking around Britian and Ireland?? It was!  Alex Ellis-Roswell  left Margate in the August 2014 and has been walking ever since, covering  most of England, crossing over to Ireland via Stranraer, walked from Belfast round the coast and was just finishing the Sheep's Head when I spotted him. He's in the Sheep's Head residents' good books for he described it as the most beautiful place he had to been to yet.  He's walking to raise money for the RNLI, a massive journey of 9500 miles! What a charming young man. We had a chat and he went on his way - he's playing drums in a pub in Bantry tonight apparently. Some people are extraordinary and he left a smile on my face.

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