What Captures My Interest

By Erikalv

Victoria Gardens Trolley

Life is good......patience is underestimated. Things fall into place and when they feel like they're not....they really are because certain things have an order to follow. Its like.......what I know now I didn't know before. I love that concept.....even though you have to go thru some heartache there is always a rainbow on the other side....you just have to remain optimistic and hold onto "hope".

This is where I am in my life right now. A new relationship has begun and I'm happy. My creative juices are flowing and dying to be put to work so I can't wait! I'm happy.....simply happy.

We're in the process of packing and getting ready for the move next weekend so I'll be very busy with work during the day and packing during the night.

I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful weekend :)

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