What Captures My Interest

By Erikalv

I'm Not A Hoarder.....Really I'm Not

I moved into my new place this weekend as you can see. It happened on Saturday and I have made a decision. Next time I move I am hiring people and not lifting a finger. I had a lot of help from my kids, Jonny, Daniel and my ex-husband and his girlfriend but it took a toll on me....those damn stairs. Tessa and I will be staying here for awhile that's for sure.

All in fun.....I heard my ex-husband mumbling to his girlfriend "god she has so much sh*t". I couldn't say anything because they were helping and I needed them so I had to bite my tongue. My son Anthony did step in and tell his dad in front of all of us "Dad it ain't your problem anymore so stop bitching". We just started laughing.

I've slept great for the last 3 nights and I'm back to work today. As you can see I still have much to do but I'm in no hurry. You can't see it but progress has been made and I'll do about two hours every night. Tessa and I are having fun decorating, coming up with ideas, shopping and getting to know our surroundings.

I had Ben (my boyfriend) come over on Sunday. This was a first for us since I didn't have him over in my old place. He got to meet Tessa and Coco and that went well. I am completely enjoying this new relationship.

On another note.....I've missed Blip and I've missed taking pictures. This morning was the first time I took my camera out and it felt great holding it in my hand. Also I haven't had internet for the last 4 days so I'm off to find internet service for my home.

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