
By Cari

Bone Crusher

Well, the monster trucks are in town. They are doing one show out at the raceway Wednesday night. I won't be there. But, they have the trucks parked all around town. This one, The Bone Crusher, is parked at a radio station across the street from our store. As the only photo I had taken today before this was of celery, I decided to use this. Not that the celery shots weren't cool, cuz they were! I hacked off the whole end of the stalks. The design was super neat. The tires on these trucks are large. You can view a photo of Glenn here to see how big the tires are!

I want to say a big thank you to all the nice comments on my photos recently :)

We are watching some episodes of Game of Thrones and they are about to start another so I will end this now. I sure do hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Happy Sunday

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