
By Cari


Today wasn't a great day.

Sometimes it's not only what someone does, or did. It's what is the truth?
I am torn between believing what someone says and what our son tells us to be true.
He, our son, doesn't have the best track record of telling the truth. He is also the child that has, how do I say it....well, let's just say that when the phone rang and the conversation started out with "is this so&so's mother?" Yikes. Many times I wanted to say NO. It pretty much was always about said child. So, when we hear something that we think is pretty serious and he says it's not true then what do we do? Glenn has spent most of the day (tuesday since this is a backblip) with the boy and will be home later tonight. Tomorrow we will hopefully start to get it all figured out. Sometimes being a parent is the greatest thing in the world and sometimes....?? Even when they are adults the parenting really doesn't truly end.

I Corinthians 10:12

And so finally after many more months of work, all the sages came back to him, and they had come to a unanimous conclusion that the wisdom of the world could be put into a four-word sentence. They told the king that this sentence expresses much. It is chastening in the hour of pride and consoling in the depths of afflictions. And I've reflected on this sentence this week. The sentence of their wisdom was: "This too shall pass."

...and, This too shall pass

Happy (not so much) Monday

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