
By DramaQueen


We visited Mr A's parents tonight as we haven't been there for a little while; it was nice to have a catch up.

The main task was to choose a couple of photos of us to go up on the wall. This has been a long running joke as the rest of the family have their photos there (including a framed newspaper cutting of his brother!) plus Mr A with Nelson Mandela and Alex Feguson, but there are none of Mr A with me good job I don't take it personally!.

After all the photos I've sent her, we still couldn't agree on two we liked, so the challenge is to try and take a couple while we are out and about over the next few weeks, with the 'wall of fame' in mind.

While we were there, Mama A gave me these little perfume samples, as she knows how much I like Penhaligon's perfumes.
They smell lovely and I can't wait to try them out :-)

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