
We awoke to the tail end of Gertrude still lashing the Lake District - but by mid morning the sky was clearing though the wind stayed strong for most of the day. The fields were water logged  - but they now look like this after any rain - fortunately all the becks appear to have stayed in their normal courses this time.
Pooch & I quickly headed up the lane avoiding tree branches and storm debris (though it was quite funny to get wet feet & watch P swim as we discovered that the 'High' field floods) - as today we had the renovation company returning - and sure enough when we got back he was parked on the drive at the allotted time.
After a very very thorough inspection (2+ hours) I'm pleased to report that the house has finally been declared dry - and with the insurance claim also now agreed tomorrow we can go order new carpets, get some paint and start the process of getting back to normal.

& so to Philosophy Friday.
"If you don't like something change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it"
Mary Engelbreit.

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