Prayerful in the Penya

Today was our 12 hours praying in Sa Penya...the day started very groggily for me after last night's mammoth headache...whenever I get a head like that, I have a kind of hangover the next head feels bruised and woolly, and I'm not quite in control of was a day like that...walking into things, being a bit out of it etc etc... BUT by 4 this afternoon I felt clearer and had no pain, phew!
I had a good time praying - peaceful and encouraging...
 Asha did a sponsored run for Save The Children today - Danny said she was brill!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Seeing José this morning...good to have a chat, and listen to him and Danny admiring each others beards! Ha!
2) These prayer days - good to have long stretches of time listening to God and realigning. Such a privilege. 
3) A coffee with Abby this morning - I'll miss her when she goes.

Sa Penya is behind and below me in this pic...

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