
After a slow & groggy start to the day (but a lovely video call to my sister & her kids!), we headed over to San An for Kitchen Church. Danny, Stephen & Jud are heading to the UK this week for Euro leaders training, then S&J will stay on another 2 and a bit weeks to get to know the HQ of 24-7 Prayer before our mini break from each other, we thought we'd all go for a roast dinner at an english bar. Oh my goodness, it did NOT disappoint!!! Utterly delicious! Plus someone had given Jud money towards a meal for our community, so split between 6 it ended up costing us very little, which was wonderful! Thankyou to our lunch money giver!
Back to their flat for a bit of time looking at the Bible & praying, and all out in the sunshine, with the waves in the background.

The only negative to today has been Asha's constant coughing...poor thing...have sent her to bed with Vicks on her feet...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Our kind person giving us money for a delicious lunch.
2) Seeing a friend who works in the English bar.
3) Asha's delight at her new tooth coming through.

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