
By brisbackpackers

Day tour to Vietcong tunnels

Today we went on a day tour. We stopped doing tours in South America to save money and learnt to do things by ourselves, but here a 12 hour day tour is only $7 each - bargain! Maybe it's that cheap because it was a pretty average tour haha we spent half the day on the bus. First we visited a big church at midday prayer time - a southern Vietnamese religion that honors all gods from Muslim, Buddhist and Catholic religions.

The afternoon was spent at the Viet cong tunnels. It was an eye opening experience to see how the north Vietnamese operated during the war. A very unique way of fighting in the war. Cam only just got down the entrance to the "tourist" size tunnel! Crawling through 100m of tunnels was a hard and dirty experience but gave you a real life idea of how they lived.

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