secret garden

By freespiral

Kitchen Cove, 11.33 am , 30.1.16

A quick stop off at Kitchen Cove for the Saturday morning blip. All calm after a ferocious night - gales, rain and rodents cavorting behind the wall. I've stepped back into the boreen a bit today so you can see the other boats lined up ready for action. The surfboard with the chunk out of it is still there, and the boat next to it on the left is rather clever as it's ambidextrous (!) and has been customised with wheels as well - easy for lugging up and down the beach.
We then went on to Lough Hyne. I was hoping to get permission to visit a well on monday which is on private land. She wasn't at home but I have bombarded her with notes and messages and hope she will get back to me. We carried on for a walk and bumped into two people we knew - one was an expert on Lough Hyne and knew all about the holy wells, and the other was a friend who was looking for them!
Oh wow! What a response to the holy well investigation suggestion! I can't wait! I've had promises of investigations from the Pyrenees (very likely), Greek islands (shrines for sure), Cape Breton (not sure), New England (unlikely) and New Zealand ( possible!). And people googling like mad in Britain and Ireland - Cornwall, Salford, Wales, Oxfordshire, Northern Ireland, Hampshire, Northumberland, Warwickshire, Dartmoor, Argyll, Hartlepool, and Newburgh on Ythan are all on red alert.
If you're in the UK - this site this site might be helpful as it lists nearly 500 wells around the country - yours might even  be there! And Jensphotos in Australia alerted me to the fact that a 900 year old holy well has just be found under Australia House in London so the Antipodes are included!
Anyway the challenge starts officially on Monday but should you have blipped any already just tag holywell.
Extras today - amazing colours in Lough Hyne, and a holy well teaser! This is tobar na súl, good for eyes apparently.

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