Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal


Kilda was no better this morning so took her to the vet. The vet agreed with us that her upset stomach is more than likely due to a change in her food. They have given us some pro-biotic stuff to go in her food and some antibiotics in case she’s is no better tomorrow. Unfortunately had to cancel the training we had book with Nir ant Dogmore as it clashed with the only vet time we could get. Collected my Garmin activity tracker as well this afternoon. Not sure how its going to help but at least this one you can go swimming with. Might give me some motivation to get out running again.
Went out to choose a new carpet for the stairs in the sale and then went for a short walk on Portie beach. Bought tea on the way back.

Its RD’s birthday today and he texted to day they were in a local pub. Met them in a dog friendly pub and took Kilda with us. She was well behaved. They came back to ours for pizza and a few drinks. Nice evening.

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