what we did today...

By SarnieV

A windy but sunny one!

Today's run in the sunshine & the wind. I'd hoped to see snow and there was a very light dusting on the hills. There was a lot of flooding on the road, but still a nice four n a half miles.
Later I went to an event run by creative edinburgh. It was run along the lines of a speed dating but it was artists and manufacturers. I realised I have watched too many police detective series when I parked in an underground carpark, felt on edge as I went up the deserted starwell, couldn't work out how to get out the door at the top, when I finally worked it out I found myself in the area behind some offices where the boiler room was and no idea how to get where I wanted to. I then spotted the canal and a lone man walking along the side...my head was film of visions of being a body in the canal and with heart pounding I frantically tried to work out how to find my way after I realised I could t get back through the door I'd come through. Eventually I scrambled round the edge of a building site and found the venue... All a bit more exciting than I'd anticipated!

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