Cakes and biscuits .....

.... with coffee/tea for tonight!
Bible group always turns out to be a social occasion too, I'm sure St John would have approved! After all that's what life is all about being social with folk isn't it ?
I really intended to have a walk today, but I had an horrendous night , no sleep and awful pain across my shoulder blades and lower back, so much so I could hardly stand , however after the dreaded analgesic and a hot water bottle things have eased somewhat . Just as well hosting the group ( for the 2nd week running ) would have had to be cancelled . As they say ( keep on running )! Hope I'm ok for the pool tomorrow?
Some more lighter news some of the rubble has been removed from out side my house and the earth smoothed out where the grass verge should be,so it looks as if things are on the move now. Since the footpath has been swept the mud is much , much less .

Happy ..... to have some relief from pain now.

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