No 19

Today's the day ............................ to update

Way back in 2010 I told you the story of No 19.

It's just down the road from us and back then it was in a right old dilapidated state.  In fact, you couldn't get up the path because it was so overgrown with vegetation - a bit like the castle of the sleeping beauty.

It remained like that for more years, getting ever more overgrown.  Then, completely out of the blue, it went up for sale by auction last year.  By chance, we actually knew of the buyers - and we were delighted that they were a young couple with a growing family.  Since then, we've watched as the undergrowth was hacked back and work started to mend the leaking roof, the broken windows and I'm sure all the other work that was necessary inside.

But look at it now.  They've started work on the new front garden.  There's a path winding up - and eventually there will be plants.  I wonder if they're going to put that distinctive garden gate back in ......................?

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