Birthday Bash(es)

Another day of celebrations! This time celebrating the wonderful Danny & his existence! The Claytons took us for an amazing breakfast at a place over-looking the sea...but along a rugged part of the coast - breakfast was scrambled eggs, avocado, bacon & toast PLUS pancakes....I actually haven't eaten since...except for birthday cake! Then this evening we had friends over for (more) Cava and birthday cake - see extra for the obligatory birthday boy/cake snap... They've now all gone off for dinner and I'm on Asha duty...
All in all, a wonderful day celebrating a wonderful human. No Cava currently planned for tomorrow - though we have one bottle left over in the fridge!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny!! I am so SO fortunate to be married to such a caring and generous guy...and even on our worst days, I know we are better together than apart. 
2) Watching Danny and Solomon together - these two just LOVE each other (as you can see from the blip) lovely to watch their friendship develop.
3) Having a house full of friends, laughter and bubbly.

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