Water 2 - A ghost boat

Another abstract reflection on water... To me it looks like a ghost boat.

I woke up at 11.00am this morning, still feeling a bit tired. My body must have needed all that sleep. I looked out of the window and it was raining. I had my breakfast and, after that, I wasn't much in the mood for doing anything, so I spent a fair amount of time looking at photos in blipfoto. I did have things to do. I always have things to do on my days off. I just couldn't be bothered.

Finally, at around 2.30pm I managed to get my lazy bum out of that seat and go to the gym. By then it had stopped raining, so it was all good. I took a few pictures on the Shore on my way to the gym. Back from the gym, I shopped for some food and went home. Back home, looking at the pictures, I realised that the annoying stain that appeared in my photos a few months ago, which disappeared mysteriously again, has reappeared. It looks like it must be something, like a bit of dust, at the back of the lens, on the sensor. I'm not too sure if repairing that would be covered by the warranty because I don't know if it constitues a genuine manufacturing defect. In any case, I watched a video in Youtube on how to clean any dust on the sensor of a Panasonic Lumix camera. Seems easy enough, but I think that I might manage to get even more dust in my sensor just by opening the camera to take the bits off. And I bought this camera in Barcelona, so I don't know if they would repair it here in the UK. I don't know what to do...

Anyway, I'll try and go to bed early tomorrow because I'm having to get up early for work tomorrow.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments, stars and hearts! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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