Lali's World

By Lali

Keep Your Face Towards the Sun

Yes, keep your face towards the sun... while you can (the few minutes that the sun will appear in Scotland anyway) Hahahaha!

A bit of a late blip today, because I finished late at work. When I went to work this morning the sun was shining and the sky was blue, believe it or not. That's when I took this picture. Later on we had another thunderous storm (maybe not as strong as the one yesterday, but it was pissing down for most of the day). The sun came up again in the evening. That's the normal standard weather for Scotland!!!!

Today the fire alarm went off at work at the point where the building was heaving with people and it was really pelting it down outside. Good times! I was actually happy when I heard the fire alarm! I have to say it was nice to get a wee break and a bit of fresh air, although I could have done without the rain!

Tomorrow will be my last day of work before my holidays! Can't wait to have some "me" time!

Thanks very much for all your comments on my ducks picture! I'm afraid I won't be able to comment much this evening because I have to get up early tomorrow and I need my bed, but I'll try to catch up with your blips as soon as I can! I hope you're all having a great and less wet weekend! :)

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