Portraits of a life....
On Tuesdays I go pastoral care visiting at a local hospital that was founded by Catholic nuns. The pastoral care team is located in the old house the nuns used to live in.
The plant reminds me of a person's life: parts that are flourishing and parts not doing so well. The Madonna and Child remind me of the importance of relationships and connecting with others.
For me pastoral care is about sitting with the person in whatever space they find themselves in. To rejoice with them about the parts of their life that are doing OK and to sit with them while they lament the losses and disappointments.
I'm not here to jolly people along, or bring a Pollyanna attitude into play. Because sometimes life is just hard and crappy, and it's OK to be authentic and acknowledge that. While still also remembering that we are more than just our illnesses, or our circumstances. Sometimes I imagine it is hard to keep that balance.
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