
By TexMama

A Bright Ending

Long day today - Phil the bull had been limping for a couple of days and Mr Tex noticed last night that he seemed to have something stuck in the bottom of his foot, so he collected a horse trailer from a friend and we set about putting the behemoth bovine in it...but poor chap didn't want any of that.  Probably finding it difficult to make that step up into the trailer with only 3 good feet.  We bribed and cajoled, offering every kind of yummy treat we had on hand...for about 4 hours (minus a lunch break for the humans)...but he was quite determined to stay on the outside.
Finally, at about 430 I spied our neighbor, who has the cows in the next field, coming home.  So Mr Tex went to ask him for help...he brought a cattle prod with him, and after apologizing to Phil for the unpleasantness of the situation, he got him into the trailer for his trip to the vet.
Phil is home now, minus a very long nail which was in his foot, and sporting a rather lovely bandage...and I'm sure feeling much better.
And I think I will be buying Mr Tex one of those cattle prod thingies for his birthday this year :0)

I have taken several pics on my phone which I meant to blip and haven't got around to...but perhaps I'll catch up with those tomorrow.  Littleman has claimed my phone to watch a video so I will have to steal it back when he falls asleep :0)

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