Can't catch me!

Story morning at school today. We read Hansel and Gretal. I couldn't remember much of the story and thought it would be a good read. But it wasn't a very nice story, quite scary actually! Two little children left to fend for themselves in the woods! P didn't seem too bothered though and just thought it was funny when the witch got shoved in the oven... I don't think I'll be choosing it again though.

After waving goodbye to P, me and A went to music. He had a great time and was very proud of his dinosaur sticker he got given at the end. He also thinks it's very funny to run away from me whenever I try to get him to put his coat on/have his nappy changed/ or anything else I ask him. This is him being very cheeky at the end of music. He kept running away and laughing, giving me the cheekest of smiles. It was quite funny (for 2 out of the 100 times!)

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