
By Cigs

Union Canal, Polwarth

After days when my 'out' days coincided with Henry, Gertrude and Frank, it was nice to have a - well - simply glorious day on which to dot about in the line of duty.

So before I'd even kicked a ball (metaphysically speaking) I had Cigs done; an off white one on the back of a building that is getting renovated; hardly artistic but positioned sensitively to take in the curve of the canal towpath and the reflections of the bare trees. No windmills and sadly the swans were AWOL too. Oh well, nothing that can't be fixed later, I'm sure.

And then I found some more Cigs work. Including some dated 2016! (see extra)How exciting! And some in the patch of middleman, too. On the soon to be Edinburgh Printmakers. I'd better check the emails - I must have missed that one.

Right, more work to do; lunchtime is over. Back on the campaign trail. There's a thirst to work up. 

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